Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Ok so, Ireland are playing France at the weekend, this means (possibly, I'm not sure if he'll actually be playing) but it means that Chabal might be playing. See I'm becoming, nay have already become slightly obsessed with Chabal.
I've already talked about him here and here.

Now i'm a disaster, the match was on the other day, and i walked into a room, where the television was surrounded by about 15 people, and asked what's on, football match is it? to much sighing and frowning. But this is different.

Anywho...I've found myself staring at rugby matches he is in, and i found the last time there was a big rugby thing on, probably the last time Ireland did rubbish, grey jersey's blah blah, i just ended up staring at the screen, and relentlessly bringing him up in conversation.

It's getting a bit weird.

He's just so interesting*... is that the word. It is now.

*I was going to write alluring but thought it would be weird.

Sébastien Chabal, the iconic figure from France’s World Cup campaign, is among a host of casualties in the RBS Six Nations Championship squad of Marc Lièvremont, the new coach, that was announced yesterday. Chabal, the media darling from Sale Sharks, who had a website dedicated to his exploits as women drooled over his barbarian appearance, has been dropped, with every likelihood that his international career is over.


Bad news from the Times. That'll learn me to pay attention to stuff.

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