All mp3s and images are for enjoyment purpooses. It's just a bit of fun for your afternoon. If you are an artist, or represent one and want to have something removed please let me know.
*Please let me know about any grammar/spelling/stupid errors I've made*
It does appear to be sweeping the interweb alright.
Jim C, Me, Chancer, Foley anyone else I'm missing?
I heart hearting.
couple of the big guns there i'd say!
What your claiming the band heart, I just dont get it.
In fairness RP I think it's already public property!
i'm claiming the's a gentle claim, but claim nonetheless
First time I ever heard it used with any regularity was here ;-)
For what it's worth, I hereby endorse your claim with these three words:
Phil hearts fags.
Oh phil mitchell and you're nicotine addiction...
i think...
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